How to Sew Laser Stitches Part 2

Create a unique embellishment using Laser Stitches in menu”I” in Epic II.
What you need:
- Sewing machine Designer Epic ll
- Fabric
- Stabilizer
- Tread in desired color
- Fabric Marking Pen
The principle of Laser Stitches
Laser Stitches are designed to make you able to create your “own” large pattern with the help of the “ building blocks” you find in Menu I in Designer Epic ll
Combining these stitches with each other or with themselves gives you a wide range of unique patterns.
Sewing Large stitches is challenging, the Laser guide is a great help in this mission. (hence the name of the stitches)
Each stitch repetition has an automatic stop at the end, which also helps you to align/correct the sewing direction all the time. This automatic stop also gives you the possibility to create your design instantly by mirroring the current stitch, or take in another stitch or change the sewing direction.
It is important that you sew each stitch till the very end till the machine stops automatically. Use the Start/Stop button
Deactivate the Automatic FIX in Default sewing settings. Since you sew the stitches connected to each other, there is no need to fix at each start.
Activate Needle Down function, that helps you to keep your fabric in position when you reach the end of the current repetition.
Draw a straight line with a (erasable) Marking Pen on your fabric. Put a stabilizer underneath your fabric.
Go to menu I in your Epic II and select the stitch you want to work with. In this example stitch I:23 is selected. Attach presser foot S. Activate the Laser Guidance, make sure that the laser line is centered.
1. Activate needle down function and start sewing. Sew till the machine stops automatically. The stitch should start and finish on the line.
2. Continue sewing additional repetitions as long you have reached the desired length of your embellishment. I:23 is used for this example.
Programming in advance(1)
3. Go to programming, meny I and select I:23.
2. Add two repetitions of this stitch, and mirror the second one sidewise.
3. Click OK
4. Activate needle down function and start sewing. Continue stitching to the desired length of your embellishment. The machine will come back to the center line at each automatic stop, which helps you to control if you are on the right course or if you need to adjust the direction to be able to follow the straight line.
Programming in advance (2)
5. Go to programming and select stitch I:23 and add three repetitions.
6. Mirror the third repetition and push Duplicate . Click OK.
7. Activate needle down function and start sewing. Continue to the desired length of your embellishment. The machine will come back to the center line at each automatic stop, which helps you to control if you are on the right course or if you need to adjust the direction to be able to follow the straight line.
Programming in advance (3)
8. To bring in more variation in your design you can also “play” with the number of repetitions and mirroring.
9. Go to programming and select stitch I:23 and add four repetitions of it.
10. Mirror the fourth repetition sidewise.
11. Click Duplicate two times, you now have three mirrored repetitions.
12. Click OK
13. Activate needle down function and start sewing. Continueto the desired length of your embellishment. The machine will come back to the center line at each automatic stop , which helps you to control if you are on the right course or if you need to adjust the direction to be able to follow the straight line.
Programming in advance (4)
14. To bring in more variation in your design you can also “play” with adjusting the length and width of the stitches.
15. Go to programming and select stitch I:23 and add three repetitions.
16. Go back one step so the second pattern is selected, and adjust both the Length to 20.0 and the width to 14.3
17. Go to the last pattern (third) in your sequence and add one more repetition of I:23.
18. Mirror it sidewise
19. Click Duplicate twice, now you have three mirrored repetitions.
20. Go back one step to the second last pattern in your sequence and adjust the length to 20.0, and width to 14.3
21. Click OK
21. Activate needle down function and start sewing. Continue to desired length of your embellishment. The machine will come back to the center line at each automatic stop, which helps you to control if you are on the right course or if you need to adjust the direction to be able to follow the straight line.
Tips: You can sew Laser Stitches also on a curved line. The process is exactly the same but you follow a curved line instead of a straight. The stitches will be evenly spread along the curved line.