Cross Stitch Card Holder



Craft the spirit of the season with ease by embroidering your own Cross Stitch Card Holder—a quick and delightful Holiday project. This simple and project allows you to showcase your creativity while providing a charming display for your festive cards. 

You need:
  • Felt 24"x12" (60x30cm)
  • Tear-Away Stabilizer
  • Embroidery thread
  • Sewing thread matching the felt
  • Embroidery design
  • Ribbon 8" (20cm)

1. Cut the felt in half so you get two squares.

2. Hoop the stabilizer and add the felt on top. Make sure you have at least 4" of extra felt on the side of the embroidery that does not have the scallop edge. Use the basting feature to secure the felt to the stabilizer.

3. Embroider 2 pcs of the embroidery. Trim 1/8" (3mm) on the straigh edges on one of the designs and 1.5" (4cm) on the other design, see image below.



4. Add the smaller design on top of the other to create an offset. Stitch close to the edge on the straight sides. Add a bartack 1.5" (4cm) up.


5. Fold the ribbon in half and attach at the top with a bartack. Cut off the corners of the back square in 45 degrees.


Your Card Holder is ready for your Holiday mail!