Bookmark with Resized Embroidery

  • By Mikael Svenson

Book Mark header image.jpg
Making bookmarks  is easy and fun. Many embroideries will fit just perfectly if you resize them. The instructions will guide you through the process!

What you need

Resizing the embroidery

1. Open the software and choose the Metal Hoop 240x150mm. Go to File, Insert and locate the embroidery. Then click Open. The embroidery is too big for the hoop so we need to resize it. Move the embroidery so you can see the top corners.

2. Click on Resize, the corners will now turn blue. Hold down the shift key and drag down to get the size you want, about 7-8” (18-20cm)

3. Click on Center in Hoop to get the embroidery placed correctly

Making the bookmark

4. Mark the center of the fabric and align it vertically and horizontally with the center marks on the hoop. Stitch out the embroidery

5. Cut the fabric off 2 ½” on both sides from the middle, finished width is  5” then cut off 1 ½” above top of embroidery.

6. Fold the fabric lengthwise and sew the short bottom edge  together with a ⅜” seam allowance, finger press the seam allowances apart and turn right side out.

7. Center the seam on the bookmark to form a point and  fold 1 cm of the top edge to the wrong side.

8. Fold the bookmark right sides together and pin the long  edges. Sew together with a ⅜” seam allowance. 

9. Finger press the seam allowances apart and turn right side out. Press.

10. Topstitch around the bookmark.

Resize is a very useful tool! You can make the embroidery to fit in perfectly where you want it to be. Making several embroideries in different sizes adds interest to the design, like the book cover below. Here is the instruction on how to make the Book Cover.